Abby Mitchinson

Abby Mitchinson

Recent Posts

Time is Money: SEO Efficiency for SaaS and Tech

Posted by Abby Mitchinson

In today’s dynamic and fast-paced world, it’s harder than ever before for companies to stand out...

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Topics: SEO

How to Write Job Posts Google Will Love!

Posted by Abby Mitchinson

In one of our recent blogs, we highlighted that a whopping 70% of applicants use Google to start...

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Topics: Recruitment Agencies, How To?

What is E-A-T and Why Should Your Website Use It?

Posted by Abby Mitchinson

Everyone loves to eat, right? Today, we’re going to discuss a different form of eating that might...

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Topics: SEO

Make blogging work for your B2B content marketing strategy!

Posted by Abby Mitchinson

Have you been slaving away in front of a white screen, trying to create a masterpiece, the like of...

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Topics: Content Marketing

What is a buyer persona?

Posted by Abby Mitchinson

Buyer personas are an important consideration when it comes to your inbound marketing strategy....

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Topics: Content Marketing, Inbound Marketing, How To?

7 simple ways to become an inbound marketing expert…

Posted by Abby Mitchinson

Long gone are the days of sending your sales guy out in a nice suit and extra shiny shoes. In...

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Topics: Inbound Marketing, Digital Marketing

6 essential components of a successful inbound marketing plan

Posted by Abby Mitchinson

So – you have a product or service that you want to market. But how do you go about it? You could...

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Topics: Digital Marketing

Here’s why your business needs an inbound marketing Growth Plan

Posted by Abby Mitchinson

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Put simply, the preparation of any business marketing...

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Topics: Inbound Marketing

SEO: Then, now, and in the future

Posted by Abby Mitchinson

Without question, SEO’s impact on business today is considerable. While more people than ever are...

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Topics: SEO

6 top tips for sourcing only the best candidates online

Posted by Abby Mitchinson

There’s no denying it; competition among recruitment agencies to find the best candidates is...

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Topics: Recruitment Agencies