The Secret to Success: Exploring the SEO Strategies of Leading Recruitment Agencies

Posted by Abby Mitchinson on 06/03/24 13:19
Abby Mitchinson

In today’s world, where new information flows every second, one thing remains constant: search engine optimisation (SEO) is the lifeblood of online visibility.

Yep, from multinational corporations to local startups, organisations are all vying for the coveted top spots in search engine results pages (SERPs) with recruitment agencies in particular facing fierce competition as they strive to connect the right talent with the right opportunities.

We’ve investigated the SEO strategies of leading recruitment agencies in tons of detail in our FREE guide which you can check out here. However, if you’re here for brief overview of the points included and to discover how to start to master the art and science of SEO, read on…

The significance of SEO in recruitment

In the recruitment landscape, job seekers and employers alike have turned to the internet as their primary resource for connecting and filling vacancies.

Whether it’s a highly specialised role in the tech industry or an executive position in finance, the journey always begins with a Google search - which is why, for recruitment agencies, establishing a prominent ranking in search engine results is critical.

To put it simply, ranking highly in SERPs means more clicks, more organic traffic, and ultimately, more successful placements - which is exactly where good SEO comes into play.

5 SEO tactics of leading recruitment agencies

1. Dominate domain ratings

First things first, if you want to smash your SEO strategy, you need to look at your domain rating (DR).

DR is a metric used in the field of SEO to assess the overall authority and strength of a website’s domain. It is typically measured on a scale from 0 to 100, with higher scores indicating a stronger and more influential domain.

A website’s DR is influenced by various factors, including the quality and quantity of backlinks it has from other reputable websites. In essence, a higher DR suggests that a website is more likely to rank well in search engine results pages and is considered a trustworthy and authoritative source of information in its niche.

For recruitment agencies and other businesses aiming to improve their online visibility, understanding DR is crucial.

It helps gauge the competitiveness of your website in the SEO landscape and offers insights into areas that may require improvement to enhance your domain’s authority and ultimately achieve higher search engine rankings.

2. Boost backlinks

Another important way that leading recruitment agencies increase DR and smash their SEO is by boosting the backlinks to their website.

Search engines use complex algorithms to determine the relevance and quality of web pages when ranking them in search results - and backlinks are one of the most influential ranking factors. Essentially, search engines like Google consider backlinks (links from other websites to yours) as “votes of confidence.”

When reputable and authoritative websites link to your agency’s website, it signals to search engines that your content is valuable and trustworthy. This, in turn, enhances your website’s authority and credibility in your industry or niche.

Websites with a robust backlink profile tend to rank higher in search results, making it easier for potential clients and candidates to find your agency. Basically, if you have more highly relevant, high-powered sites linking back to your content than your competition, you will have a stronger chance of ranking higher in SERPs.

3. Embrace the importance of EAT

Google EAT, which stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness, is a set of quality guidelines used by Google’s algorithms to assess the credibility and reliability of web pages and websites.

EAT is particularly significant for websites that provide information related to health, finance, and other critical topics, but it applies broadly to content across the web and is super important for SEO. Here’s a brief explanation of each component of EAT:

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Google evaluates whether the content on a webpage is authored by experts or individuals with relevant knowledge in the field. High-quality content is expected to come from authors or sources with expertise in the subject matter.


Authoritativeness considers the reputation of the website or the author of the content. Websites with a strong track record for providing accurate and reliable information are considered authoritative sources, with factors such as industry recognition, awards, and mentions from reputable sources contributing to authoritativeness.


Trustworthiness assesses whether the content and the website can be trusted. Factors that contribute to trustworthiness include clear and transparent information, citations of reliable sources, privacy policies, and secure website practices (e.g., HTTPS).

If you’d like to learn more about the importance of EAT when it comes to SEO, be sure to check out this blog.

4. User experience matters

Google aims to reward websites that provide an excellent user experience because it aligns with its goal of delivering the best results to users, which means that user experience (UX) is another crucial factor for ranking well in search engine results.

Key things to consider when optimising your website for a positive user experience include:

Bounce Rate

Google monitors how quickly users leave a webpage after clicking on it, which is known as the bounce rate. If users consistently bounce back to the search results shortly after visiting your site, it signals to Google that your content or site experience may not be satisfying their needs. And you guessed it, a high bounce rate can negatively impact your rankings.

Dwell Time

Dwell time refers to the amount of time a user spends on your website after clicking through from a search result and is a signal of content quality. Basically, when users spend more time engaging with your content, it indicates that they find it valuable and relevant - and Google rewards websites with longer dwell times with improved rankings.

Mobile-First Indexing

Google has shifted towards mobile-first indexing, meaning it primarily uses the mobile version of a webpage for ranking and indexing. This means that if your website isn’t mobile-friendly and doesn’t offer a good user experience on mobile devices, it can lead to lower rankings in search results.

Page Load Speed

Page speed is another critical UX factor. Slow-loading pages frustrate users and can lead to higher bounce rates, which is why Google considers page speed when determining rankings. Essentially, faster-loading pages tend to rank higher because they offer a better user experience.

Navigation and Usability

A website’s navigation and overall usability directly impact user experience. If visitors can’t easily find the information they’re looking for or if your website has a confusing layout, they are more likely to leave your site and seek information elsewhere, resulting in lower rankings due to poor user experience.

Mobile Responsiveness

In today’s world, having a responsive design that adapts to various screen sizes is essential. Google rewards mobile-friendly websites with better rankings in mobile search results.


Accessibility is another critical component of UX. Websites that are accessible to users with disabilities not only comply with legal requirements but also provide a better experience for a broader audience. Google values websites that prioritise accessibility.

keywords on the screen for seo strategies

5. Create high quality content

Lastly, recruitment websites with strong SEO strategies know the importance of creating high quality content - and one of the most powerful ways to do this is by blogging. In the recruitment sector, where information and insights are highly sought after, a well-executed blogging strategy can be a game-changer.

Blogging is not just about churning out random articles; rather, it’s about delivering valuable, relevant, and timely content to your target audience. Here’s why blogging is critical for SEO in the recruitment sector:

Freshness and Relevance

Search engines favour fresh, updated content. Regularly publishing blog posts keeps your website active and signals that you’re actively engaged in your industry.

Keyword Optimisation

Blogs allow you to target specific keywords and phrases that job seekers and employers are searching for. This helps improve your visibility in search results.

Candidate and Client Engagement

Blogging offers a platform to provide insights, tips, and guidance to both job seekers and employers. Engaging content builds trust and positions your agency as an industry authority.

Long-Tail Keywords

Through blogging, you can target long-tail keywords—specific, niche phrases that often lead to more qualified traffic. For example, “Remote IT Jobs in London” is more targeted than a generic “IT Jobs.”

Content Promotion

Blog posts provide shareable content for your social media channels and email newsletters, driving traffic back to your website.

Backlink Opportunities

High-quality blog content is more likely to attract backlinks from other authoritative websites, which boosts your overall SEO authority.

Answering Questions

Job seekers and employers often have questions related to the recruitment process. Blogging allows you to address these queries, becoming a valuable resource. In fact, you can often go a few steps further and answer questions candidates didn’t think to ask but needed to know!

Discover the SEO strategies of leading recruitment agencies

If you’d like to explore the things discussed in this article in more detail, why not download our free guide to the SEO strategies of leading recruitment agencies?

In this comprehensive exploration, we’ll dissect the strategies and tactics employed by top recruitment agencies in key professional services sectors. We’ve handpicked agencies that are not simply achieving a ranking but are dominating the search engine results pages and delivering results.

Find out why they are in first, second, and third place as we provide a detailed breakdown of each website, thorough analysis of their strategies, and an in-depth look at SERPs. Then, we’ll empower you with the knowledge and tools needed to replicate their success and carve your own path toward SEO excellence.

Ready to rise above the competition and achieve SEO excellence in the recruitment sector? Be sure to download your free guide today.

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Topics: Recruitment Agencies

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