Why a strong keyword strategy is essential to your inbound marketing

Posted by Abby Mitchinson on 12/07/17 09:59
Abby Mitchinson

SEO has been around since the first search engines were launched over two decades ago and keywords have always played an important role in optimising content.

But why are keywords so important? And do they still matter as much as they used to? From ensuring your content is found by your customers to connecting with your target audience, in this blog we look at why keywords remain fundamental to your SEO and inbound marketing strategies.

So, read on to discover why a keyword strategy is essential to your inbound marketing. 

4 reasons keyword strategy is so important 

1. Keywords ensure your content gets found by the right people

Inbound marketing is all about getting found by your target customers. Once your content gets discovered, you can draw these targets into your sales funnel and convert them into leads. 

One of the ways that these targets will come across your content is in the search engines. So, if you focus your SEO efforts around relevant keywords and start ranking for them, this can become a free source of regular targeted traffic. 

Targeting the right keywords could potentially generate thousands – or even hundreds of thousands – of targeted visitors to your website each month.

And every one of those visitors is a potential lead. 

Keywords and inbound marketing

2. Keywords give your content more focus

By creating your content around specific keywords, you can make every piece you publish highly focused to appeal to your audience. 

Inbound marketing is all about creating content that connects with your target audience by: 

  • Answering their questions 
  • Solving their problems 
  • Offering unique insights 

For example, some keywords suggest that the searcher is seeking information (e.g. 'best way to build links’), while some that the searcher is ready to make a purchase (e.g. 'cheapest headphones'). 

When you know what these keywords are, you can create content around the keywords to provide the exact information that the searcher is looking for.

3. You can rank for hundreds or thousands of long tail keywords

The way we search is changing. These days, more people are now using voice search (speaking directly into their phones rather than typing in keywords), which naturally leads to longer keyword phrases. 

The benefits of long tail keywords are that they are very specific, so the searcher knows exactly what they are looking for, and they are less competitive, which makes them easier to rank for. 

They also get less traffic – sometimes much less. But they are still worth targeting because if you rank for multiple long tail keywords, the cumulative traffic can be considerable. 

At the same time, you will naturally be using more competitive primary  keywords within your long tail keywords. Over time, you can rank for these too.

4. Keywords still matter

The days of keyword stuffing content to rank in search are long gone (and good riddance!). 

But keywords still matter. Smart keyword research will provide you with the right keywords to: 

  • Create content that your target customers are searching for 
  • Rank your content organically 
  • Connect with your audience 

Ready to maximise the power of your keyword strategy? 

If you’d like to find out more about keyword strategy, SEO, or need assistance with your inbound marketing in general, our expert team is here to help. 

As a HubSpot Diamond Partner Agency, there’s nothing we don’t know about inbound marketing - so rest assured you’ll be in safe hands! 

Contact us today to find out more about how we can help, or to learn more about keywords and how they can be part of your inbound strategy, download our beginner's guide to keywords now! 

Beginner's Guide to Keywords

Topics: Keywords, Inbound Marketing

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