7 reasons you should hire an inbound content pro for content marketing

Posted by Becky Winter on 30/04/20 15:32
Becky Winter

You already know the benefits of content marketing, right? As buyer behaviour continues to change, content marketing has emerged as a preferred way to build long-lasting relationships with potential customers over time. In fact, as the UK enters its fourth week of lockdown, this is more true than ever before as customers across the world consume record-breaking amounts of content. And it is these relationships that lead to sales, with content marketing having been proven to generate over three times as many leads as outbound marketing, all the while costing a whopping 62% less.  

So, if you’ve decided that content marketing is right for your business, great choice! But you still need to decide whether you should take care of your content marketing in house or enlist the inbound marketing writing services of an inbound content pro, whether that be an agency or an expert freelancer.

If you’re unsure which route is best for you, read on to find out why (in our humble opinion!) when it comes to content marketing, you should leave things to the professionals…

They are experienced

Inbound marketing specialists will have years of experience under their belt and tons of proven content marketing successes with a business like yours. The inbound methodology can be complicated - but these guys live and breathe inbound, so they know every trick in the book when it comes to creating compelling content that gets you noticed. 

Yes, you might know your own business like the back of your hand - but you don’t know content marketing like the back of your hand. A content marketing pro, however, will be able to develop buyer personas, identify their pain points and create and share content that solves your personas’ problems - faster than you can say ‘inbound!’ 

They have specialised skill sets

We’ll let you into a little secret here - it takes a lot of skilled people to create an effective inbound campaign. From content creators to SEO wizards and social strategists to marketing magicians, it takes a village - and rather than having to attract and recruit people with the right skill sets, by outsourcing your content marketing, you’ll have a team of experts with specialised skill sets at your beck and call (within reason!)

What’s more, the best part is that each of these inbound pros will have their own tricks, tips and specialities that they’ve picked up working with different clients over the years - which means that by working with these professionals, you’ll have immediate access to all of their unique skill sets. Talk about a great way to get ahead!  

You could save money

Following on from what we said above, it can actually be cheaper to hire the inbound marketing writing services of inbound experts for your content marketing rather than recruiting a team in-house. You might be concerned that your content pro will cost a small fortune - but actually, when you look at your options, that’s often not the case at all. Content takes as long as it takes - and if you create content in house, you might find that things spiral out of control pretty quickly.

In-house teams have set salaries, which means you simply can’t afford for content to take a long time to produce. An agency or freelancer, however, will have strict deadlines in place that they will always adhere too - and time is money! Add in the added financial strain of salaries to pay, benefits, pensions, sick pay and National Insurance, as well as the time and cost it takes to recruit and train a capable team… and suddenly doing your content marketing in-house doesn’t seem quite so cost-effective!

You can save time

Whilst it’s true that inbound marketing takes time, it would be nicer if you could speed things up a bit - and outsourcing your content marketing to the pros is a sure-fire way to get things moving. An in-house team can take up to six months to get trained on the software and methodology needed to deliver a successful content marketing strategy, but agencies, on the other hand, are trained to get content marketing strategies up and running quickly. 

What’s more, when you enlist the specialist inbound marketing writing services of a team of pros, you’ll have a range of skills available as and when you need them, from director-level strategy to experienced marketers and exceptional writers. And let’s face it, it would take a very long time to build up such a skilled team in-house!

Smiling Man and Woman Both Sitting on Sofa Both Looking at Silver Macbook

It’s less risky

Because of all of their years of experience, with an inbound content professional, there will be fewer mistakes and errors. Sure, issues do crop up from time to time, and your strategy might need tweaking along the way in order to make sure you are getting the most bang for your buck (more on that below). But because an agency is made up of collaborative consultants who want to deliver successful campaigns as much as you do, should anything go wrong you will have a dedicated team on hand who will use all of their years of expertise to get things sorted as quickly as possible. 

You can set realistic, measurable targets

Inbound marketing and content marketing are long-term strategies. Rome wasn’t built in a day - and it takes time to attract loyal readers and direct visitors to your site. Your inbound content pros will already know this - and as such, they will be able to encourage you to set targets to monitor your progress that are realistic and achievable. 

It's no good simply creating content without having a way to measure whether or not it is working. You want to make sure you are getting your money's worth - and your team of pros will know their stuff. This means they will be able to help you implement automation tools to monitor analytics and measure things such as traffic and lead generation so you can see what is working and what isn’t. Having this full transparency means you can identify which pieces of content are working hard for you and which need tweaking so that you can make improvements where necessary.

You can keep things consistent

Hiring an experienced content marketing team means that they can effortlessly get to grips with your business style and tone of voice - and as a result, you can relax, safe in the knowledge that all of your content is consistent and in line with your brand. You can also be sure that there will be no pesky grammatical errors, no spelling mistakes, and no factual errors, either. What’s more, your team of pros will also make sure they schedule and post articles consistently, building up high-value content over time so you can delight your readers and boost your search engine ranking, too.

Key takeaways

  • Mediocre content will never boost lead generation or drive engagement 
  • But most businesses aren’t equipped to create high-quality content 
  • Time, money, and a lack of knowledge are the biggest challenges for companies creating content in-house 
  • However, a specialist content marketing agency or team of freelancers will help you create compelling content that solves your customers’ problems and consistently drives more traffic and leads 
  • Which will, in turn, boost your credibility and build trust in your business, leading to long-term growth and success

Are you looking for an inbound content partner? Look no further! Contact our team today to see how Angelfish Marketing can help you reach your goals and grow your business.

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Topics: Content Marketing, Inbound Marketing

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