Ready to supercharge your SEO? We’re here to help.  

Your journey to search engine success starts here.  

Do you want your website to get to the top of Google  

If your website is going to be found by your target audience, you need a strong SEO strategy. It's as simple as that.   

Your company’s success depends on being easily found by your potential clients. But how can you boost your SEO and start to climb SERPs if you don’t know what you need to improve on?   

Well, that’s where we come in. Our SEO audit is designed to help you understand what to fix so you can improve rankings and increase online visibility, fast.  And best of all? It’s on the house!   

Why you need an SEO audit:  

Stay Ahead of the Competition  

Understand your website’s strengths and weaknesses compared to your competitors so you can remain one step ahead. 

Improve Website Performance  

Increase search engine rankings and provide a better user experience by fixing the problems identified. 

Increase Organic Traffic  

Pinpoint where to improve so you can rank higher in SERPs, increase visibility, and drive more leads to your website. 

What to expect in your SEO audit  

Our free SEO audit will help you build the right foundations for future SEO success so you can make sure your website is seen by the right people, at the right time.   

We’ll start by creating a background report on your existing SEO strategy, before conducting a detailed analysis and providing actionable insight and practical next steps. This includes:  

  • Technical SEO Audit  
    We’ll analyse the structure and architecture of your website to ensure it is crawlable for search engines. We’ll check whether your site is optimised for mobile and measure the loading speed to identify what might be slowing you down.   
  • On-Page SEO Audit   
    We’ll conduct a thorough keyword analysis to evaluate the effectiveness of the keywords you are targeting. Plus, we’ll also review your meta tags, content quality, and internal linking to make sure it supports your SEO goals.  
  • Off-Page SEO Audit  
    By analysing the quality and quantity of your backlinks and your social media presence, we can make recommendations on what you need to improve to ensure your off-page SEO is working hard for you.   
  • Competitor Analysis   
    Comparing your website’s performance against key competitors and conducting a gap analysis enables you to discover what your competitors are doing right – and wrong – and identify strategies to bridge those gaps and improve your SEO performance.  
  • User Experience Audit   
    User experience is essential to a solid SEO strategy. We’ll review things such as site navigation, layout, and mobile friendliness to ensure your website provides the best possible user experience.   
  • Actionable Insights  
    Once we’ve completed the audit, we’ll send you all the information, complete with a proposed plan and suggested next steps to help you get where you want to be.   

And that’s not all…  

As well as your SEO audit, we’ll also throw in some expert consultancy, too – completely on the house. That means you can enjoy a one-hour review with one of our SEO experts at no additional charge!  

No sales pitches, no false promises - just one hour of slick SEO strategy advice to help you get the results you deserve.   

Ready to book your one-hour SEO audit with our experts at Angelfish?   

Simply complete the form to the right, and we’ll be in touch!   

Are we the right SEO agency for you?  

You know what they say: teamwork makes the dream work. Angelfish is the perfect fit for you if:   

You’re part of a marketing team  

Our years of experience have taught us that we do our best work when we work together with an internal marketing team that we can partner with to deliver results.  

You care about results  

 We want to help you reach your goals. That’s why we’ll identify where you are versus where you want to be – and put a measurable plan in place to get you there.    

You want a partner to collaborate with  

Did you know Angelfish mate for life? When you partner with us, we’re in it for the long haul. Just ask our clients who we’ve been delivering SEO solutions to for years.   

You aren’t afraid of hard work  

We’re going to be totally honest with you: if you want great results, you need to put in the work. So, if you’re not afraid to get stuck in, let’s do great things together.   

Let’s get started! 

Simply complete the form above and we’ll be in touch to arrange your SEO audit.